literature and sources


(Full citations for the following sources are presented in the Bibliography Tab)

Rosenthal (2012)

Rosenthal (2012)

Rosenthal, Weisberg (2008)

Weisberg (2011)

Chapter 54: Higher-Awareness in the Brain

Block (2011)

Block (2014)

Brown (2014)

Brown (2015)

Cohen et al. (2016)

Fleming et al. (2010)

Fleming et al. (2018)

Fleming, Lau (2014)

Frith (2007)

Haun et al. (2017)

Koechlin et al. (1999)

Koechlin, Hyafil (2007)

Lau, Brown (in press)

Lau, Passingham (2007)

Lau, Rosenthal (2011)

Lau, Rosenthal (2011)

LeDoux, Brown (2017)

Liu et al. (2013)

Odegaard et al. (2017)

Odegaard et al. (2018)

Ramnani, Owen (2004)

Rosenthal (2005)

Rosenthal (2012)

Shekhar, Rahnev (2018)

Sperling (1960)

Tsuchiya et al. (2015)


Chapter 55: The Invention of Experience

Alexander, Brown (2018)

Allport (1955)

Bar et al. (2006)

Barrett (2017)

Binder, Desai (2011)

Bruner, Goodman (1947)

Bruner, Minturn (1955)

Bruner, Postman (1949)

Cavanagh (2011)

Clark (1998)

Clark, Chalmers (1998)

Clarke et al. (2013)

Edelman (2004)

Edelman, Tononi (2000)

Fletcher, Frith (2009)

Friston (2013)

Friston, Frith (2015)

Frith (2007)

Gregory (1974)

Gregory (1997)

Grossberg (1980)

Hering (1870)

James (1890)

Lamme (2015)

Lamme (2015)

Melloni (2015)

Meyer (2011)

Neri (2014)

Panichello et al. (2012)

Pezzulo et al. (2018)

Rao, Ballard (1999)

Rensink, O'Regan (1997)

Schmack et al. (2013)

Seth (2016)

Seth (in press)

Seth et al. (2008)

Seth, Friston (2016)

Simons, Chabris (1999)

Simons, Levin (1997)

Sperling (1960)

Stefanics et al. (2014)

Thompson, Madigan (2005)

von Foerster (1984)

von Helmholtz (1866)

von Helmholtz (2005)

Ye et al. (2018)

Chapter 56: Ah, Memory

Baker (2000)

Baker (2013)

Baker (2013)

Banaji, Greenwald (2013)

Binder, Desai (2011)

Chun, Jiang (2003)

Chun, Phelps (1999)

Clarke et al. (2013)

Cohen, Squire (1980)

Conway (2009)

Conway, Pleydell-Pearce (2000)

Damasio (1999)

Damasio (2010)

Dennett (1992)

Forgione (2018)

Gallagher (2000)

Henke (2010)

James (1890)

Klein (2004)

Lewis (2011)

Lewis (2011)

Lewis (2011)

Lewis (2013)

Lewis (2013)

Loaiza, Borovanska (2018)

Markowitsch, Staniloiu (2011)

Markus, Kitayama (1991)

Menant (2006)

Metcalfe, Son (2012)

Metzinger (2003)

Milner (1959)

Milner (1962)

Milner et al. (1968)

Moscovitch (1992)

Neisser (ed.) (1993)

Pasquali et al. (2010)

Roberts, Feeney (2009)

Rosenthal (2012)

Schacter, Tulving (1982)

Shea et al. (2014)

Smith (2017)

Squire (1987)

St Jacques et al. (2018)

Sui, Humphreys (2015)

Tulving (1972)

Tulving (1983)

Tulving (2005)

Varela et al. (1993)

Waidergoren et al. (2012)

Wheeler et al. (1997)

Wilson (2002)

Chapter 57: Putting Memory in Their Places

Amaral (1987)

Bar (2003)

Barbas et al. (1999)

Barbas, Pandya (1989)

Bertossi et al. (2016)

Binder et al. (2016)

Binder, Desai (2011)

Botzung et al. (2008)

Buckner, Carroll (2007)

Burgess (2014)

Burgess, O'Keefe (2011)

Buzsaki (2011)

Cabeza, Moscovitch (2013)

Cabeza, St Jacques (2007)

Catani et al. (2005)

Chan et al. (2011)

Clarke et al. (2013)

Cohen, Squire (1980)

Craig (2009)

Damasio (1989)

Damasio (2010)

Denny et al. (2012)

DiCarlo et al. (2012)

Ding et al. (2009)

Dudai, Morris (2013)

Eichenbaum (2017)

Eichenbaum (2017)

Eichenbaum (2017)

Fan et al. (2014)

Feinberg (2001)

Fossati (2013)

Frith, Happé (1999)

Fuster (2008)

Gilboa (2004)

Goldman-Rakic (1987)

Goldman-Rakic (1996)

Graham et al. (2010)

Gross (1994)

Hirstein (2011)

Johnson et al. (2006)

Joyce, Barbas (2018)

Kalenzaga et al. (2014)

Kim (2012)

Kim (2016)

Klein (2004)

Koechlin et al. (1999)

Koechlin et al. (2003)

Koechlin, Hyafil (2007)

Koechlin, Summerfield (2007)

Kondo et al. (2003)

Kondo et al. (2005)

Koshino et al. (2014)

Lambon Ralph (2014)

LeDoux (2015)

Levine (2004)

Levine et al. (2004)

Lewis-Peacock, Postle (2008)

Libby et al. (2014)

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Markowitsch, Staniloiu (2011)

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Mishkin (1982)

Miyashita (1993)

Moscovitch (1995)

Moscovitch et al. (2005)

Moscovitch, Winocur (2002)

Murray (1992)

Murray et al. (2017)

Neubert et al. (2014)

O'Keefe, Nadel (1978)

O'Reilly, McClelland (1994)

Passingham (1995)

Passingham, Wise (2012)

Petrides et al. (2012)

Petrides, Pandya (1988)

Price et al. (2015)

Ramnani, Owen (2004)

Richter et al. (2016)

Ritchey et al. (2015)

Rolls (2000)

Schacter, Tulving (1982)

Seltzer, Pandya (1978)

Shea et al. (2014)

Squire (1987)

Squire, Zola (1998)

Sui, Humphreys (2015)

Suzuki, Amaral (2003)

Teyler, DiScenna (1986)

Thompson et al. (2015)

Tulving (1972)

Tulving (1983)

Tulving (1983)

Tulving (2005)

Uddin (2011)

Ungerleider, Mishkin (1982)

van der Meer et al. (2010)

Wang, Morris (2010)

Warrington, Shallice (1984)

Wheeler et al. (1997)

Yeterian et al. (2012)

Chapter 58: Higher Order Awareness through the Lens of Memory

Baker (2013)

Clark (1998)

Cleeremans (2008)

Cleeremans (2011)

Craig (2009)

Damasio (2010)

Forgione (2018)

Friston (2013)

Friston, Frith (2015)

Frith (2007)

Frith, Happé (1999)

Gallagher (2000)

Gallagher, Frith (2003)

Haun et al. (2017)

Koch (2018)

Lau, Rosenthal (2011)

Lau, Rosenthal (2011)

Lewis (2011)

Lewis (2013)

Metzinger (2003)

Odegaard et al. (2017)

Odegaard et al. (2018)

Pasquali et al. (2010)

Rosenthal (2004)

Rosenthal (2005)

Rosenthal (2012)

Seth (2016)

Seth (in press)

Sui, Humphreys (2015)

Chapter 59: The Tricky Problem of Other Minds

Clayton, Dickinson (2010)

Dawkins (2017)

de Waal (2006)

Dennett (1991)

Ericcson, Simon (1993)

Frith, Happé (1999)

Gray (2004)

Heyes (2015)

Heyes (2016)

Horowitz (2016)

Humphrey (1977)

Jack, Shallice (2001)

Jennings (2006)

Kahneman (1999)

Kennedy (1992)

LeDoux (2002)

LeDoux (2017)

Loftus (1996)

Maier (1931)

Mashour (2018)

Menant (2006)

Mitchell et al. (eds.) (1996)

Nahmias (2002)

Nisbett, Wilson (1977)

Overgaard, Sandberg (2014)

Radman (ed.) (2017)

Robinson, Clore (2002)

Rosenthal (2019)

Russell (1927)

Seth et al. (2008)

Shea et al. (2014)

Shettleworth (2010)

Singer (2009)

Weiskrantz (1997)

Wilson (1994)

Wynne, Bolhuis (2008)

Chapter 60: Creeping Up on Consciousness

Baker et al. (2011)

Beran (2017)

Brandl (2016)

Bulley et al. (2017)

Butterfill, Apperly (2013)

Carruthers (2008)

Carruthers, Ritchie (2012)

Cartmill (2000)

Clayton, Dickinson (1998)

Clayton, Dickinson (2010)

Corballis (2017)

Dehaene et al. (2017)

Dennett (1991)

Ericcson, Simon (1993)

Fleming et al. (2010)

Fleming et al. (2014)

Fleming et al. (2018)

Fleming, Lau (2014)

Frith (2007)

Frith et al. (1999)

Frith, Happé (1999)

Gallagher, Frith (2003)

Gallup (1982)

Gallup et al. (2014)

Gray (2004)

Gunturkun, Bugnyar (2016)

Heyes (1995)

Heyes (2008)

Heyes (2015)

Heyes (2016)

Heyes (2017)

Horner, Burgess (2014)

Horowitz (2016)

Jack, Shallice (2001)

Jackendoff (2007)

LeDoux (2015)

LeDoux (2017)

LeDoux, Brown (2017)

Maniscalco, Lau (2016)

Metcalfe, Son (2012)

Morales et al. (2018)

Murray et al. (2017)

Naccache, Dehaene (2007)

Nahmias (2002)

Nisbett, Wilson (1977)

Overgaard, Sandberg (2014)

Pepperberg (2009)

Peters et al. (2017)

Peters et al. (2017)

Povinelli, Prince (1998)

Premack, Woodruff (1978)

Raby, Clayton (2009)

Radman (ed.) (2017)

Redshaw et al. (2017)

Reiss, Marino (2001)

Ruby et al. (2018)

Salwiczek et al. (2010)

Schneider et al. (2017)

Seth et al. (2008)

Shea et al. (2014)

Shettleworth (2010)

Smith et al. (2012)

Suddendorf, Butler (2014)

Suddendorf, Corballis (2007)

Suddendorf, Corballis (2010)

Suddendorf, Redshaw (2017)

Terrace, Metcalfe (2004)

Tulving (1972)

Tulving (2001)

Tulving (2005)

Weiskrantz (1997)

Chapter 61: Kinds of Minds

Beran et al. (2016)

Cartmill (2000)

Clayton, Dickinson (1998)

Clayton, Dickinson (2010)

Dennett (1996)

Gunturkun, Bugnyar (2016)

Hassin et al. (2009)

Jacob et al. (2015)

Jacobs, Silvanto (2015)

Joglekar et al. (2018)

Lau, Passingham (2007)

Mashour (2018)

Menant (2006)

Panagiotaropoulos et al. (2012)

Rosenthal (2012)

Soon et al. (2008)

Soto et al. (2011)

Soto, Silvanto (2014)

Tulving (2005)

van Vugt et al. (2018)

Wittgenstein (1958)

Wynne (2004)

Wynne (2007)


Chapter 62: The Slippery Slopes of Emotional Semantics

Anderson (2016)

Anderson, Adolphs (2014)

Bacon (1620)

Bekoff (2000)

Berridge, Kringelbach (2015)

Block (1995)

Burghardt (1991)

Darwin (1872)

Dawkins (2012)

Dawkins (2017)

de Waal (1999)

Dehaene et al. (2017)

Descartes (1637)

Ekman (1993)

Fanselow, Pennington (2017)

Fanselow, Pennington (2018)

Gibson et al. (2015)

Griffin (1976)

Griffin (2015)

Hess (1962)

Heyes (1995)

Heyes (2008)

Heyes (2015)

Heyes (2016)

Heyes (2017)

Huxley (1954)

Izard (1990)

Keller (1973)

Kennedy (1992)

Lang (1968)

LeDoux (1984)

LeDoux (1987)

LeDoux (1994)

LeDoux (1996)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2013)

LeDoux (2017)

MacLean (1949)

MacLean (1952)

MacLean (1970)

Mandler, Kessen (1964)

Marx (1951)

Mitchell et al. (eds.) (1996)

Olds (1956)

Panksepp (1998)

Panksepp, Biven (2012)

Papez (1937)

Penn et al. (2008)

Penn, Povinelli (2007)

Penn, Povinelli (2007)

Perusini, Fanselow (2015)

Povinelli (2008)

Povinelli, Preuss (1995)

Povinelli, Prince (1998)

Rachman, Hodgson (1974)

Rivas, Burghardt (2002)

Romanes (1882)

Rosen, Schulkin (1998)

Scarantino (2018)

Schacter (1987)

Shettleworth (2009)

Shettleworth (2010)

Squire (1987)

Sternson et al. (2013)

Suddendorf, Corballis (2010)

Tamietto and de Gelder (2010)

Timberlake (1999)

Tomkins (1962)

Tomkins (1963)

Tononi, Koch (2015)

Viegas (2015)

Wise (1980)

Wynne (2004)

Wynne (2007)

Wynne, Bolhuis (2008)

Wynne, Udell (2013)

Chapter 63: Can Survival Circuits Save the Day?

Adolphs (2013)

Adolphs, Anderson (2018)

Anderson (2016)

Bowlby (1969)

Bucci (1997)

Damasio (1994)

Damasio (1999)

Damasio, Carvalho (2013)

Doyle, Csete (2011)

Fanselow, Pennington (2017)

Fanselow, Pennington (2018)

Hoppenbrouwers et al. (2016)

Leahy (2015)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2013)

LeDoux (2014)

LeDoux (2015)

LeDoux (2017)

LeDoux, Hofmann (2018)

LeDoux, Mobbs (2018)

LeDoux, Pine (2016)

Mobbs (2018)

Mobbs et al. (2015)

Pavlov (1936)

Panksepp (1998)

Panksepp, Biven (2012)

Petrovich et al. (2001)

Sternson (2013)

Chapter 64: Thoughtful Feelings

Alberini and LeDoux (2013)

Allbritton (1995)

Barrett (2017)

Barrett (2017)

Barrett et al. (2007)

Barrett et al. (2007)

Barrett et al. (eds.) (2007)

Barrett, Bar (2009)

Barrett, Russell (eds.) (2015)

Beck (1976)

Beck, Haigh (2014)

Brosch et al. (2013)

Cleeremans (2008)

Cleeremans (2011)

Clore, Ortony (2013)

Coan, Gonzalez (2015)

Craig (2003)

Craig (2009)

Critchley et al. (2004)

Damasio, Carvalho (2013)

Daneshmandi et al. (2018)

de Sousa (2013)

Fehr, Russell (1984)

Frijda (1986)

Kahneman (1999)

Kovecses (2000)

Kron et al. (2010)

Lazarus (1991)

Leahy (2015)

LeDoux (1984)

LeDoux (1996)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2014)

LeDoux (2017)

LeDoux, Brown (2017)

LeDoux, Hofmann (2018)

Lindquist et al. (2006)

Lindquist et al. (2015)

Lindquist, Barrett (2008)

McNally (2009)

Miloyan, Suddendorf (2015)

Nader and Einarsson (2010)

Oatley, Johnson-Laird (2014)

Ochsner, Gross (2005)

Oosterwijk et al. (2015)

Ortony, Turner (1990)

Pessoa (2013)

Robinson, Clore (2002)

Russell (2003)

Russell (2014)

Satpute et al. (2016)

Saxe, Houlihan (2017)

Schachter, Singer (1962)

Scherer (1984)

Scherer (2000)

Sloan et al. (2018)

Tulving (2005)

Wilson-Mendenhall et al. (2011)

Young et al. (2003)

Chapter 65: Emotional Brains Run HOT

Anderson, Phelps (2002)

Barrett, Bar (2009)

Barrett, Simmons (2015)

Brandl et al. (2017)

Brown (2015)

Bulley et al. (2017)

Cardinal et al. (2002)

Craig (2003)

Craig (2009)

Critchley et al. (2004)

Damasio (1994)

Damasio (1999)

Damasio, Carvalho (2013)

Everitt, Robbins (2005)

Feinstein et al. (2013)

Furl et al. (2013)

Ghaziri et al. (2017)

Gu et al. (2013)

Hofmann, Doan (2018)

Hoppenbrouwers et al. (2016)

Kron et al. (2010)

Lau, Brown (2019)

Lau, Rosenthal (2011)

LeDoux (1996)

LeDoux (2002)

LeDoux (2008)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2015)

LeDoux et al. (2018)

LeDoux, Brown (2017)

LeDoux, Daw (2018)

LeDoux, Hofmann (2018)

LeDoux, Pine (2016)

Lindquist et al. (2015)

Miloyan, Suddendorf (2015)

Murray et al. (2017)

Pessoa (2013)

Pezzulo et al. (2015)

Phelps (2006).

Satpute et al. (2013)

Saxe, Houlihan (2017)

Seth, Friston (2016)

Seymour, Dolan (2008)

Shiflett, Balleine (2010)

Sontheimer et al. (2017)

Wilson-Mendenhall et al. (2011)

Chapter 66: Survival Is Deep, but Emotions Are Ours

Buss (1995)

Buss et al. (1998)

Dennett (1996)

Dugatkin, Trut (2017)

Gould (1991)

Gould (1997)

Gould, Lewontin (1979)

Gould, Vrba (1982)

Hayes (2019)

Menant (2011)

Miloyan, Suddendorf (2015)

Pinker (1997)

Tooby, Cosmides (1992)


Andriessen (2006)

Balter (2015)

Dawkins (1976)

Doyle, Csete (2011)

Durkheim (1951)

Frank (2018)

Gazzaniga (2012)

Harari (2015)

Hayes (2019)

Hepburn (2018)

Huxley (1954)

Jonas (1968)

Jones (1986)

Lane (2015)

Lau (2017)

Maturana, Varela (1980)

May (2018)

Menant (2018)

Michod (2005)

Niklas, Newman (2013)

Pena-Guzman (2017)

Varela (1996)

Varela (1997)

Volk (2008)

Volk (2017)

Striedter (2005)


Chapter 37: Neuro-Bauplane Vertebrata

Butler, Hodos (2005)

Darwin (1859)

Darwin (1871)

Geschwind, Konopka (2012)

Holland (2015)

Holland et al. (2013)

Holland et al. (2017)

Nauta, Karten (1970)

Nieuwenhuys (2002)

Preuss et al. (2004)

Shepherd (1983)

Sprecher, Reichert (2003)

Striedter (2005)

Wada, Satoh (1994)

Chapter 38: Ludwig’s Ladder

Ariens Kappers (1921)

Butler, Hodos (2005)

Edinger, Rand (1908)

Grillner et al. (2013)

Gunturkun, Bugnyar (2016)

Herrick (1948)

Hodos, Campbell (1969)

Kaas (1995)

Kaas (2011)

Karten (1991)

Karten (2015)

Karten, Shimizu (1989)

Krubitzer, Kaas (2005)

Lanuza et al. (1998)

Martinez-Garcia et al. (2002)

Nauta, Karten (1970)

Northcutt (1981)

Northcutt (2002)

Northcutt (2012)

Northcutt, Kaas (1995)

Pabba (2013)

Papez (1937)

Preuss (2012)

Reiner (1990)

Reiner (2009)

Reiner et al. (1998)

Shepherd (1983)

Smulders (2009)

Striedter (2005)

Swanson (1983)

Chapter 39: The Triune Temptress

Brodal (1982)

Butler, Hodos (2005)

Edinger, Rand (1908)

Kluver, Bucy (1937)

Kotter, Meyer (1992)

LeDoux (1987)

LeDoux (1991)

LeDoux (1996)

LeDoux (2015)

MacLean (1949)

MacLean (1952)

MacLean (1970)

MacLean (1990)

Panksepp (1980)

Panksepp (1998)

Panksepp (2011)

Panksepp (2016)

Panksepp, Biven (2012)

Papez (1937)

Reiner (1990)

Sagan (1977)

Striedter (2005)

Swanson (1983)

Chapter 40: Darwin’s Muddled Psychology

Darwin (1872)

Descartes (1637)

Keller (1973)

Kennedy (1992)

Knoll (1997)

Mitchell et al. (eds.)

Morgan (1930)

Morris (1967)

Penn et al. (2008)

Chapter 41: How Basic Are Basic Emotions?

Anderson, Phelps (2002)

Cannon (1929)

Coan (2010)

de Waal (2016)

Ekman (1993)

Feinstein et al. (2013)

Hess (1962)

Hoppenbrouwers et al. (2016)

Izard (1971)

Izard (1990)

James (1884)

James (1890)

LeDoux (1996)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2014)

LeDoux (2015)

LeDoux et al. (2018)

LeDoux, Pine (2016)

MacLean (1949)

MacLean (1952)

MacLean (1970)

MacLean (1990)

Ohman (2005)

Olsson, Phelps (2004)

Panksepp (1998)

Panksepp (2005)

Panksepp (2011)

Papez (1937)

Plutchik (1980)

Scarantino (2018)

Tomkins (1962)

Tomkins (1963)


Chapter 42: Cogitation

Bargh (1997)

Boakes (1984)

Boring (1950)

Cerullo (2015)

Chamovitz (2013)

Darwin (1872)

Dehaene et al. (2017)

Descartes (1637)

Freud (1915)

Gardner (1987)

Hassin et al. (eds.) (2005)

James (1890)

Keller (1973)

Kennedy (1992)

Kihlstrom (1987)

Kurzweil (1999)

Lashley (1958)

Lorenz (1950)

Mancuso, Viola (2015)

Mitchell et al. (eds.) (1996)

Radman (ed.) (2017)

Reber (2018)

Richards (ed.) (2001)

Ryle (1949)

Skinner (1938)

Terrace, Metcalfe (2004)

Tinbergen (1951)

Tononi et al. (2016)

van Duijn et al. (2006)

Watson (1925)

Chapter 43: Finding Cognition in the Behaviorist Bailiwick

Avargues-Weber et al. (2012)

Balleine, Dickinson (1998)

Boakes (1984)

Buckner (2011)

Byrne, Bates (2006)

Cheeseman et al. (2014)

Cheung et al. (2014)

Clayton et al. (2001)

Colwill, Rescorla (1990)

Daw (2015)

Dayan (2008)

Decker et al. (2016)

Dickinson (1985)

Dickinson (2012)

Dolan, Dayan (2013)

Emes, Grant (2011)

Garcia et al. (1955)

Giurfa (2012)

Giurfa et al. (2001)

Glanzman (2010)

Gould (2004)

Grant (2016)

Gunturkun, Bugnyar (2016)

Hawkins, Byrne (2015)

Heisenberg (2015)

Hinde (1970)

Holland (1993)

Holland, Rescorla (1975)

Kandel (2001)

Lechner, Byrne (1998)

Maier, Schneirla (1965)

McCurdy et al. (2013)

Minors (2016)

Murray et al. (2017)

Muzio et al. (2011)

O'Keefe, Dostrovsky (1971)

O'Keefe, Nadel (1978)

Papini (2010)

Pavlov (1927)

Perry et al. (2013)

Pickens, Holland (2004)

Roberts, Glanzman (2003)

Seligman, Hager (eds.) (1972)

Skinner (1938)

Sorabji (1993)

Thorndike (1898)

Thorndike (1905)

Tolman (1932)

Tolman (1948)

Watson (1925)

Wilkinson, Huber (2012)

Wynne, Udell (2013)

Chapter 44: The Evolution of Behavioral Flexibility

Averbeck, Costa (2017)

Balleine, Dickinson (1998)

Berridge (2007)

Berridge, Kringelbach (2015)

Cardinal et al. (2002)

Clayton, Dickinson (1998)

Correia et al. (2007)

Darwin (1872)

Daw (2014)

Dayan, Watkins (2006)

Everitt, Robbins (2005)

Feeney et al. (2009)

Glimcher (2011)

Gunturkun, Bugnyar (2016)

Hamid et al. (2016)

Hart et al. (2014)

Lattal (1998)

MacLean (1949)

MacLean (1952)

MacLean (1970)

MacLean (1990)

Murray et al. (2017)

Muzio et al. (2011)

Niv et al. (2005)

Olds (1956)

Olds, Milner (1954)

Panksepp (1980)

Panksepp (1998)

Papini (2010)

Reynolds, Wickens (2002)

Romanes (1882)

Schultz et al. (1997)

Skov-Rackette et al. (2006)

Thorndike (1905)

Ward-Fear et al. (2016)

Wise (1980)

Zentall et al. (2001)

Zinkivskay et al. (2009)


Chapter 45: Deliberation

Baddeley (2003)

Baum (2003)

Beran et al. (2016)

Doll et al. (2015)

Gillan et al. (2015)

Holyoak (2005)

Johnson-Laird (1983)

Johnson-Laird (2006)

Kahneman (2011)

Levitin (2015)

MacLean (2016)

Murray et al. (2017)

O'Keefe, Nadel (1978)

Otto et al. (2013)

Otto et al. (2015)

Penn et al. (2008)

Pinker (1997)

Raby, Clayton (2009)

Schneider, Shiffrin (1977)

Simon, Daw (2011)

Tolman (1948)

Tomasello, Rakoczy (2003)

Chapter 46: The Engine of Deliberative Cognition

Alexander (2016)

Baddeley (1986)

Baddeley (1992)

Bartlett (1923)

Bartlett (1932)

Beck (1976)

Binder, Desai (2011)

Bowlby (1969)

Cowan (1988)

Cowan (2001)

Curtis, Lee (2010)

Custers, Aarts (2010)

Daw et al. (2005)

Daw et al. (2006)

Dehaene et al. (2017)

D’Esposito, Postle (2015)

Eriksson et al. (2015)

Fan (2014)

Fuster (2008)

Goldman-Rakic (1996)

Graham et al. (2010)

Hayes (2019)

Heyes (2016)

Horner, Burgess (2014)

Hunsaker, Kesner (2013)

Javanbakht (2011)

Johnson-Laird (2010)

Kiefer (2012)

Kim (2016)

Koechlin (2011)

Lambon Ralph (2014)

Lau, Passingham (2007)

LeDoux, Daw (2018)

Luck, Vogel (1997)

Ma et al. (2014)

Mandler (1984)

Marr (1971)

Mattson (2014)

McCurdy et al. (2013)

Miller (1956)

Miller (2013)

Miller, Cohen (2001)

Minsky (1975)

Murray et al. (2017)

Murray et al. (2017)

O'Reilly, McClelland (1994)

Otto et al. (2013)

Penn et al. (2008)

Piaget (1929)

Pidgeon, Morcom (2016)

Postle (2006)

Price et al. (2015)

Rolls (2013)

Rumelhart (1980)

Smith et al. (2012)

Smith et al. (2014)

Soto, Silvanto (2014)

Thompson et al. (2015)

Trubutschek et al. (2017)

Valadao et al. (2015)

Young et al. (2003)

Chapter 47: Schmoozing

Bowerman, Levinson (eds.) (2001)

Carruthers (2008)

Carruthers, Ritchie (2012)

Chomsky (1973)

Corballis (2017)

Dennett (1991)

Dennett (1996)

Dunbar (1998)

Everett (2012)

Fodor (1975)

Godfrey-Smith (2016)

Gould (2007)

Harari (2015)

Hayes (2019)

Herrmann et al. (2007)

Heyes (2018)

Hoffmann et al. (2018)

Hoffmann et al. (2018)

Horner, Burgess (2014)

Javanbakht (2011)

Kitayama, Markus (eds.) (1994)

Koerner (2000)

Lakoff (1987)

MacLean (2016)

Mattson (2014)

Penn et al. (2008)

Pidgeon, Morcom (2016)

Pinker (1994)

Preuss (2011)

Rolls (2008)

Seidner (1982)

Shatz (2008)

Shea et al. (2014)

Tomasello, Rakoczy (2003)

Vygotsky (1934)

Weiskrantz (1997)

Whorf (1956)

Wierzbicka (1994)

Wittgenstein (1958)

Wolff, Holmes (2011)


Chapter 48: Perception and Memory Share Circuitry

Amaral (1987)

Binder, Desai (2011)

Catani et al. (2005)

Clarke et al. (2013)

Damasio (1989)

DiCarlo et al. (2012)

Eichenbaum (2017)

Eichenbaum (2017)

Felleman, Van Essen (1991)

Friederici (2017)

Fuster (2008)

Gauthier et al. (2003)

Goldman-Rakic (1987)

Goldman-Rakic (1996)

Graham et al. (2010)

Gross (1994)

Hagoort (2014)

Hubel (1988)

Kondo et al. (2005)

Lambon Ralph (2014)

Livingstone (2008)

McCurdy et al. (2013)

Mesulam (1998)

Milner, Goodale (2006)

Mishkin et al. (1983)

Miyashita (1993)

Murray et al. (2017)

Rademaker et al. (2018)

Rilling et al. (2011)

Ritchey et al. (2015)

Rolls (2000)

Schiller, Tehovnik (2015)

Seltzer, Pandya (1978)

Squire (1987)

Thompson et al. (2015)

Tulving (1972)

Ungerleider, Mishkin (1982)

Wang, Morris (2010)

Yeterian et al. (2012)

Young (1992)

Chapter 49: The Cognitive Coalition

Amaral (1987)

Badre, D'Esposito (2009)

Bar (2003)

Barbas et al. (1999)

Barbas, Garcia-Cabezas (2016)

Barbas, Pandya (1989)

Bergstrom, Eriksson (2014)

Berryhill et al. (2011)

Bettcher et al. (2016)

Binder, Desai (2011)

Burgess, Stuss (2017)

Cabeza, St Jacques (2007)

Carlen (2017)

Carter et al. (1998)

Christophel et al. (2017)

Clarke, Tyler (2015)

Craig (2003)

Craig (2009)

Damasio (1989)

Damasio (1999)

Daw et al. (2006)

D'Esposito, Postle (2015)

Eichenbaum (2017)

Eriksson et al. (2015)

Fan (2014)

Fleming et al. (2014)

Fuster (2008)

Gauthier et al. (2003)

Goldman-Rakic (1987)

Goldman-Rakic (1996)

Horner, Burgess (2014)

Javanbakht (2011)

Joyce, Barbas (2018)

Koechlin et al. (1999)

Koechlin et al. (2003)

Koechlin, Hyafil (2007)

Koechlin, Summerfield (2007)

Kondo et al. (2005)

Krawczyk (2012)

Kringelbach (2005)

Lambon Ralph (2014)

Lara, Wallis (2015)

Lau, Passingham (2007)

Lewis et al. (2002)

Lewis-Peacock, Postle (2008)

Libby et al. (2014)

Liu et al. (2013)

Mattson (2014)

McCurdy et al. (2013)

Mesulam (1998)

Miller, Cohen (2001)

Moayedi et al. (2015)

Neubert et al. (2014)

Okuda et al. (2003)

Ongur et al. (2003)

Otto et al. (2013)

Passingham (1995)

Passingham, Wise (2012)

Petrides et al. (2012)

Petrides, Pandya (1988)

Pezzulo et al. (2018)

Pidgeon, Morcom (2016)

Posner, DiGiralomo (1998)

Postle (2006)

Postle (2016)

Rademaker et al. (2018)

Rahnev (2017)

Ramnani, Owen (2004)

Ritchey et al. (2015)

Rolls (2014)

Romanski (2004)

Rushworth et al. (2007)

Seltzer, Pandya (1978)

Sreenivasan et al. (2014)

Thompson et al. (2015)

Wang, Morris (2010)

Wise (2008)

Yeterian et al. (2012)

Young (1992)

Zanto et al. (2011)

Chapter 50: Rewired and Running Hot

Allman et al. (2010)

Barbas, Garcia-Cabezas (2016)

Bastos et al. (2018)

Boorman et al. (2009)

Carlen (2017)

Damasio (1994)

Damasio et al. (1994)

Donahue et al. (2018)

Finlay et al. (1998)

Friederici (2017)

Fuster (2008)

Hagoort (2014)

Jerison (1973)

Joyce, Barbas (2018)

Kaas (1995)

Kaas (2011)

Koechlin (2011)

Koechlin et al. (1999)

Koechlin et al. (2003)

Koechlin, Hyafil (2007)

Koechlin, Summerfield (2007)

Konopka et al. (2012)

Krubitzer, Kaas (2005)

LeDoux, Brown (2017)

Luria (1973)

Moayedi et al. (2015)

Murray et al. (2017)

Neubert et al. (2014)

Nimchinsky et al. (1999)

Northcutt, Kaas (1995)

Ongur et al. (2003)

Passingham (1995)

Passingham, Wise (2012)

Petrides et al. (2012)

Preuss (1995)

Preuss (2011)

Preuss (2012)

Rilling et al. (2008)

Rilling et al. (2011)

Schenker et al. (2008)

Semendeferi et al. (2011)

Teffer, Semendeferi (2012)

Uylings et al. (2003)

Wise (2008)


Chapter 51: Being There

Benney, Henkel (2006)

Cohen, Squire (1980)

Corkin (1968)

Festinger (1957)

Gardner (1987)

Gazzaniga (1970)

Gazzaniga (1985)

Gazzaniga (2008)

Gazzaniga et al. (1962)

Gazzaniga, LeDoux (1978)

Graf, Schacter (1985)

Jarcho et al. (2011)

Johnson (2006)

LeDoux (1996)

LeDoux (2017)

Milner (1959)

Nisbett, Wilson (1977)

Noë (2012)

Pinto et al. (2017)

Radman (ed.) (2017)

Squire (1986)

Tulving (1983)

Chapter 52: What Is It Like to Be Conscious?

Baars (1988)

Baars, Franklin (2007)

Baddeley (2000)

Baddeley, Hitch (1974)

Banaji, Greenwald (2013)

Block (2007)

Block et al. (2014)

Breitmeyer, Ogmen (2006)

Brown (2015)

Carrasco (2011)

Chalmers (1996)

Crick, Koch (1995)

Damasio (1989)

Damasio (1999)

Dehaene (2014)

Dehaene et al. (2006)

Dennett (1991)

Edelman, Tononi (2000)

Ericcson, Simon (1993)

Festinger (1957)

Freud (1915)

Friston (2013)

Frith (2007)

Frith (2008)

Frith et al. (1999)

Frith, Dolan (1996)

Gallagher, Zahavi (2012)

Gardner (1987)

Gazzaniga (1970)

Gazzaniga (1985)

Gazzaniga (2008)

Gazzaniga (2015)

Gazzaniga, LeDoux (1978)

Gilboa et al. (2006)

Graziano (2013)

Hameroff, Penrose (2014)

Jack, Shallice (2001)

Jarcho et al. (2011)

Johnson-Laird (1988)

Kahneman (1999)

Lau, Passingham (2006)

Lazarus, McCleary (1951)

LeDoux (2017)

Maier (1931)

Maniscalco, Lau (2016)

Milner (1959)

Moore (1988)

Moscovitch (1992)

Nagel (1974)

Neisser (1967)

Nisbett, Wilson (1977)

Norman, Shallice (1986)

Ohman (2002)

Ohman (2005)

Overgaard, Sandberg (2014)

Packard (1957)

Penrose (1994)

Posner (1994)

Prinz (2012)

Radman (ed.) (2017)

Robinson, Clore (2002)

Rosenthal (2005)

Schacter (1990)

Seth et al. (2008)

Shallice (1988)

Suddendorf, Redshaw (2017)

Tononi et al. (2016)

Tononi, Koch (2015)

Tulving (1983)

Tweedy (2018)

Wilson (1994)

Yang et al. (2014)

Chapter 53: I Want to Take You Higher

Baars (1988)

Baars, Franklin (2007)

Block (2007)

Block et al. (2014)

Brown (2015)

Carruthers (2000)

Cleeremans (2008)

Cleeremans (2011)

Cooney, Gazzaniga (2003)

Crick, Koch (1995)

Dehaene (2014)

Dehaene, Changeux (2011)

Gennaro (2011)

Giles et al. (2016)

Gottlieb (2017)

Kriegel (2009)

Lau, Brown (in press)

Lau, Rosenthal (2011)

Mashour (2018)

McGovern, Baars (2007)

Metzinger (2003)

Naccache (2018)

Rosenthal (2004)

Rosenthal (2005)


Wilson (2014)


Dobzhansky (1973)

Ennes, Grant (2001)

Keller (1973)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2014)

LeDoux (2015)

Lorenz (1965)

Skinner (1938)

Tinbergen (1951)


Chapter 1: Deep Roots

Baluska, Mancuso (2009)

Damasio (2018)

Dennett (2017)

Emes, Grant (2011)

Gould (2001)

Grant (2016)

Jennings (1906)

Knoll (2003)

Lane (2015)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2014)

Pechère (2007)

Reber (2018)

Ryan, Grant (2009)

Tavolga (1969)

van Duijn, et al. (2006)

Wilson (2014)

Chapter 2: The Tree of Life

Aristotle (350 BCE)


Baluska, Mancuso (2009)

Cain et al. (2007)

Darwin (1859)

Gazzaniga (2008)

Gontier (2011)

Hodos, Campbell (1969)

Lovejoy (1936)

Pollan (2002)

Smallwood et al. (1948)

Wallace (1855)

Wilson (2014)

Chapter 3: Kingdoms Come

Beccaloni (2008)

Cavalier-Smith (2010)

Cavalier-Smith (2017)

Gould (1980)

Gould (2001)

Hagen (2012)

Lane (2015)

Margulis, Chapman (2009)

Ruggiero et al.(2015)

Scamardella (1999)

Stearns, Stearns (2000)

Steenkamp et al.(2006)

Whittaker (1957)

Woese et al.(1990)

Woese, Fox (1977)


Chapter 4: The Primordial Form

Darwin (1859)

Dawkins (1976)

Dobzhansky (1937)

Doolittle (1999)

Fisher (1930)


Gould (1977)

Hennig (1966)

Huxley (1942)

Lane (2015)

Larson (1997)

Mayr (1974)

Mayr (1982)

Mayr (2001)

Theobald (2010)

Woese (1998)

Wright (1931)

Chapter 5: It’s a Livin’ Thing

Bateson (2005)

Dawkins (1976)

Folse, Roughgarden (2010)

Grosberg, Strathmann (2007)

Jonas (1968)

Lane (2015)

Maier, Schneirla (1965)

Maturana (1975)

Michod (2005)

Niklas, Newman (2013)

Pradeu (2010)

Rokas (2008)

Torruella et al. (2015)

Varela (1997)

West, Kiers (2009)

Chapter 6: The Behavior of Organisms

Balleine, Dickinson (1998)

Beach (1950)

Buss, Greiling (1999)

Darwin (1859)

Darwin (1872)

Darwin (1880)

Di Paolo, Thompson (2014)

Dickinson (1985)

Edmunds (1974)

Gershman, Daw (2017)

Hinde (1970)

Huxley (1942)

Jennings (1906)

LeDoux, Daw (2018)

Lehrman (1953)

Lorenz (1965)

Lyon (2015)

Maier, Schneirla (1965)

Manning (1967)

Maturana, Varela (1988)

Mayr (1963)

Morgan (1890-1891)

Niv (2007)

Pollan (2002)

Russell (1921)

Schneirla (1959)

Skinner (1938)

Smith (1993)

Staddon (1983)

Thorndike (1898)

Tinbergen (1951)

van Duijn et al. (2006)

Watson (1925)

Chapter 7: Beyond Animal Behavior

Baluska et al. (2006)

Baluska et al. (2009)

Bengtson (2002)

Chamovitz (2013)

Darwin (1880)

Di Paolo, Thompson (2014)

di Primio et al. (2000)

Garzon (2007)

Iwatsuki, Naitoh (1988)

Jennings (1906)

Jonas (1968)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2015)

Loeb (1918)

Lorenz (1965)

Lyon (2015)

Mancuso, Viola (2015)

Maturana, Varela (1980)

Morgan (1890-1891)

Russell (1921)

Shapiro (2007)

Skinner (1938)

van Duijn et al. (2006)

Varela (1997)

Chapter 8: The Earliest Survivors

Adler (1966)

Berg (2004)

Butler, Camilli (2005)

Fernando et al. (2009)

Greenspan (2007)

Hellingwerf (2005)

Hennessey et al. (1979)

Hoff et al. (2009)

Koonin (2003)

Koshland (1977)

LeDoux (2012)

Lee et al. (2017)

Macnab, Koshland (1972)

McGregor et al. (2012)

Moreno, Etxeberria (2005)

Pechère (2007)

Perez-Cerezales et al. (2015)

Popkin (2017)

Ryan, Grant (2009)

Tagkopoulos et al. (2008)

Taylor, Stocker (2012)

van Duijn et al. (2006)

Vladimirov, Sourjik (2009)

Wadhams, Armitage (2004)

Chapter 9: Survival Strategies and Tactics

Baluska, Mancuso (2009)

Bryant, Frigaard (2006)

Edmunds (1974)

Gibson et al. (2015)

Koonin (2003)

Lawrence (2002)

Mayr (1963)

Niklas (2014)

Niklas, Newman (2013)

Nilsson (1996)

Plachetzki et al. (2005)

Rittschof et al. (2014)

Roberts, Kruchten (2016)

Rokas (2008)

Schneirla (1959)

Scott-Phillips et al. (2011)

Spudich et al. (2000)

Tinbergen (1963)

Williams (2016)

Chapter 10: Rethinking Behavior

Bengtson (2002)

Churchland (1988)

Churchland (1988)

Danziger (1997)

Darwin (1872)

Fletcher (1995)

Fletcher (1995)

Furnham (1988)

Gardner (1987)

Keller (1973)

Kelley (1992)

LeDoux (2012)

LeDoux (2015)

LeDoux (2017)

LeDoux, Brown (2017)

LeDoux, Pine (2016)

Mandler, Kessen (1964)

Marx (1951)

Michod (2005)

Romanes (1882)

Skinner (1938)

Stich (1983)

Watson (1925)


Chapter 11: In the Beginning

Alperts et al. (2002)

Cronin, Walker (2016)

Darwin (1887)

Haldane (1991)

Knoll (2003)

Lane (2015)

Lane, Le Page (2009)

Marshall (2009)

Marshall (2016)

Mastin (2009)

Maturana, Varela (1987)

Pascal, Pross (2016)

Pross (2016)

Sarafian et al. (2017)

Volk (2017)

Wickramasinghe et al. (2010)

Chapter 12: Life Itself

Alperts et al. (2002)

Cairns-Smith (1985)

Darwin (1887)

Diemer, Stedman (2012)

Ghose (2013)

Gilbert (1986)

Hollis et al. (2000)

Holmes (2012)

Joyce (1989)

Joyce (2002)

Knoll (2003)

Lane (2009)

Lane (2015)

Lane, Le Page (2009)

Marshall (2009)

Marshall (2016)

Martin, Russell (2003)

Miller (1953)

Volk (2017)

Wachtershauser (1990)

Wachtershauser (2006)

Wickramasinghe et al. (2010)

Wikipedians (2017)

Chapter 13: Survival Machines

Baym et al. (2016)

Cain et al. (2007)

Damper, Epstein (1981)

Gribaldo, Brochier-Armanet (2006)

Knoll (2003)

Strahl, Hamoen (2010)

Yong (2016)

Chapter 14: The Arrival of Organelles

Cain et al. (2007)

Cavalier-Smith (2010)

Gould (2001)

Hagen (2012)

Knoll (2003)

Koonin (2003)

Lawrence (2002)

Shih, Rothfield (2006)

Whittaker (1957)

Woese et al. (1990)

Woese, Fox (1977)

Chapter 15: The Marriage of LUCA’s Children

Knoll (2003)

Lane (2015)

Margulis (1970)

Margulis, Chapman (2009)

Martin, Muller (1998)

Chapter 16: Breathing New Life into Old

Cain et al. (2007)

Knoll (2003)

Lane (2015)

Margulis (1970)

Martin, Muller (1998)

Pollan (2002)

Volk (2017)


Chapter 17: Size Matters

Bengtson (2002)

Dawkins (1976)

Gerhart, Kirschner (1997)

Knoll (2003)

Lane (2014)

Lane (2015)

Chapter 18: The Sexual Revolution

Butterfield (2000)

Crisp et al. (2015)

Dawkins (1976)

Janicke et al. (2016)

Lane (2015)

Otto (2008)

Speijer et al. (2015)

Umen, Heitman (2013)

Williams (1975)

Williams (2015)

Chapter 19: Mitochondrial Eve, Jesse James, and the Origin of Sex

de Paula et al. (2013)

Kuijper et al. (2015)

Lane (2015)

Lane et al. (2013)

Stone et al. (2001)

Chapter 20: Colonies Times

Bonner (1998)

Butler et al. (2010)

Folse, Roughgarden (2010)

Grosberg, Strathmann (2007)

Kirk (2005)

Lane (2015)

Lewontin (1983)

Libby, Ratcliff (2014)

Niklas (2014)

Niklas, Newman (2013)

Niklas, Newman (eds.) (2016)

Pradeu (2010)

Queller, Strassmann (2009)

Rokas (2008)

Shapiro (1998)

Waite et al. (2015)

Waters, Bassler (2005)

West, Kiers (2009)

Chapter 21: The Selection Two Step

Buss (1987)

Damuth, Heisler (1988)

Folse, Roughgarden (2010)

Grosberg, Strathmann (2007)

Keverne (2015)

Kirk (2005)

Lalande (1996)

Libby, Ratcliff (2014)

McGowan et al. (2009)

Michod (2005)

Nestler (2013)

Nestler et al. (2016)

Niklas (2014)

Niklas, Newman (2013)

Niklas, Newman (eds.) (2016)

Radtke et al. (2011)

Rokas (2008)

Ruiz-Trillo et al. (2008)

Smith, Szathmary (1995)

Chapter 22: Flagellating Through the Bottleneck

Alie, Manuel (2010)

Dayel et al. (2011)

de Paula et al. (2013)

Fairclough et al. (2010)

Lapage (1925)

Levin, King (2013)

Niklas (2014)

Pettitt et al. (2002)

Reynolds, Hulsmann (2008)

Richter, King (2013)

Ruiz-Trillo et al. (2008)

Snell et al. (2001)

Umen, Heitman (2013)


Chapter 23: What Is an Animal?

Boero et al. (2007)

Briggs (2013)

Cain et al. (2007)

Cavalier-Smith (2017)

Chen et al. (2004)

Collins et al. (2005)

Conway Morris (2006)

Dunn et al. (2008)

Erwin (2015)

Gold et al. (2016)

Gould (1989)

Holland (2011)

Lee et al. (2013)

Levinton (2013)

Marshall (2009)

Martindale (2005)

Moroz et al. (2014)

Rehm et al. (2011)

Schierwater et al. (2009)

Steenkamp et al. (2006)

Whelan et al. (2015)

Zapata et al. (2015)

Chapter 24: A Humble Beginning

Abdul Wahab et al. (2014)

Adamska et al. (2011)

Amano, Hori (1996)

Cannon et al. (2016)

Cavalier-Smith (2017)

Erwin, Valentine (2013)

Grimaldi, Engel (2005)

Leys, Degnan (2001)

Leys, Meech (2006)

Marshall (2011)

Mukhina et al. (2006)

Nickel (2010)

Nielsen (2008)

Pennisi, Roush (1997)

Radzvilavicius et al. (2016)

Rohde et al. (2015)

Ruiz-Trillo et al. (2004)

Ruppert et al. (2003)

Schierwater et al. (2009)

Srivastava et al. (2010)

Vermeij (1996)

Yin et al. (2015)

Chapter 25: Animals Take Shape

Angier (2011)

Caldwell (1979)

Cavalier-Smith (2017)

Collins et al. (2005)

Dawkins (1976)

Fautin, Romano (1997)

Greenspan (2007)

Grosberg, Strathmann (2007)

Michod, Roze (2001)

Pisani et al. (2015)

Satterlie (2011)

Seipel, Schmid (2005)

Zapata et al. (2015)

Chapter 26: The Magic of Neurons

Bear et al. (2007)

Kandel et al. (2000)

Shepherd (1983)

Sherrington (1906)

Chapter 27: How Neurons Happened

Arendt et al.(2016)

Bucher, Anderson (2015)

Conaco et al. (2012)

Dunn et al. (2008)

Elliott, Leys (2007)

Elliott, Leys (2010)

Emes, Grant (2011)

Ginsburg, Jablonka (2010)

Greenspan (2007)

Holland (2003)

Holmes (2009)

Jekely (2011)

Katsuki, Greenspan (2013)

Kelava et al. (2015)

Koizumi et al. (1990)

Kristan (2016)

Lettvin et al. (1959)

Leys (2015)

Leys, Degnan (2001)

Leys, Hill (2012)

Liebeskind (2011)

Marshall (2011)

Moroz et al. (2014)

Moroz, Kohn (2016)

Nickel (2010)

Pisani et al. (2015)

Renard et al. (2009)

Robson (2011)

Satterlie (2011)

Senatore et al. (2016)

Sherrington (1906)

Sherrington (1933)

van Duijn et al. (2006)

Whelan et al. (2015)


Chapter 28: Facing Forward

Bailly et al. (2013)

Cannon et al. (2016)

Erwin, Valentine (2013)

Finnerty (2003)

Finnerty (2005)

Finnerty et al. (2004)

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Chapter 22:; retrieved Nov. 8, 2016.

Chapter 22:; retrieved Dec. 2, 2016.

Chapter 23:; retrieved Nov. 4, 2016.

Chapter 25:; retrieved Nov 5, 2016.

Chapter 28:, retrieved on Feb. 11, 2017.

Chapter 30: , retrieved Feb 11, 2017

Chapter 34: Placodermi,, retrieved Jun 17, 2017.

Chapter 34:, retrieved Jun 17, 2017.

Chapter 34:, retrieved Jun 17, 2017.

Chapter 35:, retrieved Apr 12, 2017.

Chapter 35:, retrieved Apr 12, 2017.

Chapter 42:, retrieved Sept 14, 2017.

Chapter 43:, retrieved Aug 2, 2017.